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Re: Debian archive distribution via CloudFront CDN

This is awesome! Great work!
Does pulling data from CF via an EC2 instance incur traffic costs?


On 11 May 2013 09:21, James Bromberger <james@rcpt.to> wrote:

Yes. Indeed. Nets and orgs around wrong way in my post. I'm on parent duty today so a little distracted (in a park now! :) ).


Brian Gupta <brian.gupta@brandorr.com> wrote:
On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 2:58 AM, James Bromberger <james@rcpt.to> wrote:
> Hello all,
> For the last week and a bit (just before Wheezy launch) we've been testing
> out using Amazon's CloudFront CDN for distribution of CD Images and the main
> Debian archive (ie, in apt/sources.list). With the latest fix I have done,
> Ithink this is ready for a wider audience, so I'd like to seek additional
> testers for using it. If you're going to download the CD images, instead of
> hitting cdimage.debian.net, you can hit

cdimage.debian.org you mean, correct?

> http://cloudfront.debian.org/cdimage/.

This didn't work but http://cloudfront.debian.net/cdimage/ seemed to
be the correct URL.

> The longer term (and in limited test now) is using Raphael's http.debian.net
> and Yasuhiro-san's cdn.debian.net. Simply using:
> deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ stable main contrib
> Or
> deb http://cdn.debian.net/debian/ stable main contrib
> ...should do the right thing. But I'd be interested in anyone who want to
> temporarily try out accessing CloudFront directly (to add some more load):
> deb http://cloudfront.debian.net/debian/ stable main contrib
> I'd like to thank feedback I've had from Dmitry, Raphael, and Yasuhiro-san
> and others on this.
> Any other suggestions gladly welcomed.
>   James
> --
> Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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