debian-simplified-chinese Jul 2000 by thread
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ºìÆìµÄÖÐÎÄƽ̨°×ƤÊé¡£¡£¡£ hashao
xcin wishlist zhaoway
about long name in `dpkg -l` output Yuan-Chen Cheng
Window Manager in Chinese Lincoln Leung
Please test: CPanel 0.1.2 Debian package Kam Tik
Help: xfs-xtt crash when try to use Arphic TTF Henry Jen
ITP: yh (pkg'd by ygh), Yan Huang Chinese Platform by Red Flag Linux Anthony Fok
Re: °³¿ÉÊÇÒªµ±Ð£¶ÔµÄßÏ Jim Zh
cvs-nserver Wang Jian
Suggestion to cjk-latex thhsieh
netscape ㄏX-Window Exit Wan Hing Wah
[ update: rxvt-utf8/rxvt-multibyte] Tung-Han Hsieh
jmce 的 Debian .deb 套件里的 README.Debian 初稿 Anthony Fok
About zh_HK.Big5HKSCS thhsieh
Unidentified subject! Adrian
百资开放debian2.1安装手册版权! Carlos
Re: [cle-devel] linux沧狠いゅ吏挂0.24? Anthony Fok
sgmltools to process chinese? zhaoway
The meeting with Boshiamy result thhsieh
GNOME Chinese Support? zhaoway
Chinese SGML support zhaoway
SPFDisk 及国乔字型版权询问 Anthony Fok
Re: CLE won't distribute Boshiamy anymore! thhsieh
Re: [cle-devel] Re: CLE won't distribute Boshiamy anymore! Edward Lee
How to install dpkg? shuyong
Re: [cle-devel] The meeting with Boshiamy result zw
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