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jmce 的 Debian .deb 套件里的 README.Debian 初稿


  小弟近日试包了 jmce-0.22 的 Debian 软件包,发现里面包括了
大易输入法 (Dayi) 和呒虾米输入法 (Boshiamy)。因为两者皆不是
「自由软体」,所以我打算把 Dayi 另行放入 jmce-nonfree 套件里
Debian 的 non-free 「非自由」的部分。)

  至于 Boshiamy,因为未经行易有限公司的许可,
尽管不是 Boshiamy 原来的资料档,而是各个热心的 Boshiamy 使用者
自己制作出来的,但为了以防万一,确保 Debian 不会犯法,

  以上两点,我在 README.Debian 有解释,谨附了 README.Debian 的初稿,
想在此问问大家的意见,我这样做,会不会太过火呢? ^_^
另外,有没有人问过行易公司有没有把 Boshiamy 公开放出来的意愿?



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
Debian Chinese Project -- http://www.debian.org/international/chinese/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/
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jmce for Debian

[Note: the following text contains Chinese characters in Big5 encoding.]

 1. 大易输入法在哪里?  Where is Dayi input method?
    因此,配合 jmce 使用的大易输入法另外放在 jmce-nonfree 套件里,
    太易资讯网站: http://www.dayi.com/

    Dayi input method is neither Free Software nor Open-Source Software
    because any modifications to its source is prohibited. However, it
    may indeed be freely distributed.  If you want to use it, please
    install the jmce-nonfree package.  Please write to Dayi to ask them
    to consider making Dayi input method truly Free and Open Source.
    Dayi Software Corp. Home Page: http://www.dayi.com/

 2. 为什么没有呒虾米输入法?  Where is Boshiamy input method?
    呒虾米输入法是专利软体,完全不能自由地发布。尽管 jmce 的呒虾米
    有鉴及此,Debian 本著自由软体和守法的原则,不发布呒虾米输入法。

    行易有限公司网站: http://www.liu.com.tw/

    Boshiamy is proprietary software.  It cannot be distributed freely. 
    Although the Boshiamy input method data in jmce is created by some
    end-users, it still falls under the "intellectual property right"
    of Hang-yi Co. Ltd., Boshiamy's original creator.  It would be
    unethical and illegal to use or distribute this Boshiamy input
    method data.  Therefore, to obey the law and the spirit of Free
    Software, Debian cannot the distribute Boshiamy input method
    If Hang-yi Co. Ltd. does not care about the users of the Free
    Software community, why use their Boshiamy input method?  If you
    are not happy about the current situation, please send your
    complaints to Hang-yi Co. Ltd.  Home Page: http://www.liu.com.tw/

 -- Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>, Thu, 13 Jul 2000 10:50:29 -0600
| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese@lists.debian.org
| and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.

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