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Re: Re[2]: The meeting with Boshiamy result

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, hashao wrote:
> 说到字体,清华还是北大的一个什么公司(方正?),好像把一个系列的
> 国标字体放在网上免费下载,一套共 88 个 TTF 字体啊。
> 倒是又希望让他们把这个自由了,反正是放在网上免费下载。
> okey, 查了一下,北大方正的兰亭字库,我以前提过没有?印象中好像提过。 
> or deja vu? http://www1.founderpku.com/fontweb/ 全是国标码的,
> 繁简字型都有。
> 不过说实在的,字形这种事儿,提供一两套系统字库就行了,如果用户
> 有需要,自己去买还是合理的。到底这东西是奢侈品,花钱也是应该的。
> 不过看到 88 套字体免费下载,还是大流口水,全下载了。 300 多兆,
> 用不著也放在那儿,心里舒服。要不对不起自己,也对不起方正。

I downloaded those 88 fonts a few months ago.  The "jian" ones (e.g.,
fzssjw.ttf) do not have all the characters in GBK, but just the GB2312 (as
far as I can tell) ones--no problem here.  However, the "fan" ones (e.g.,
fzssfw.ttf) are very odd--while the glyphs are "fan" (traditional) ones,
they are allocated in the positions for their simplified
equivalents--something is wrong with the CMAP table in the fonts.  e.g.,
simplified guo2 'country' is in U+56FD in the "jian" version fzssjw.ttf,
which is okay, but traditional guo2 'country' is in *U+56FD in the "fan"
version fzssfw.ttf, when it should really be at U+570B in that file.  It
seems it is intended for someone who is typing a document using a "jian"
font, and thus, simplified characters, to instantly switch to a
"traditional characters" version by switching to a "fan" font, without
proper conversion of the codepoints.  (In any case, the "fan" ones only
have slightly more characters than the "jian" ones, but not enough to
cover all the characters in Big5, even if someone were to fix the CMAP's.)

In their current state, I think the "fan" (*fw.ttf) ones should be avoided
because of the latent threat they pose to data integrity.

Thomas Chan

| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese@lists.debian.org
| and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.

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