debian-cd Apr 2001 by thread
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- Re: How to partial mirror with pools? Wookey
- new Debian HURD F1 CDs Attila Nagy
- Re: Bug in CD images for 2.2r2 (fix it in r3) Martin Schulze
- cd images Ashwin R. Usgaocar
- Problems creating woody src CDs Steve McIntyre
- New mirror site Daniel Whelan
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tools by 93sam 93sam
- "pool"- and "dists"-structure of the current Debian packages mirror Otto Wyss
- yet another debian-mirror script Gilles Grandou
- Linux on CD Jacek Piterow
- Bug#93612: Support for new archive structure Anthony Towns
- Change of rsync-mirror entry. Rushi Desai
- Processed: Re: Bug#93612: Support for new archive structure Debian Bug Tracking System
- Re: Bug#93482: cd install Raphael Hertzog
- Dead link in page Istari
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tools by hertzog hertzog
- Debian woody and sid unofficial CDs Attila Nagy
- possible error in potato-i386-1.list John Marcum
- cvs commit to debian-cd/debian by hertzog hertzog
- cvs commit to debian-cd by hertzog hertzog
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tools/boot/woody by hertzog hertzog
- Call for test and some thoughts Raphael Hertzog
- "Pseudo-Image Kit" minor info update Mathew H Stewart
- pseudo-image rational Paul Smith
- 2.2r3 images ? jason andrade
- woody images Giuseppe Rodriguez
- gostaria de saber como consigo ODebian pela internet , como baixa r ele e ou como comprar? Paulo Sérgio Coelho Pereira da Silva
- New SID and WOODY Attila Nagy
- Problems downloading Debian CD 1 packages Marcelo Blasco Poeta
- Re: Stable Release plan Raphael Hertzog
- Changing image 2.2r2 -> 2.2r3 via rsynch Anthony 'Evil Twin'
- update-cd script and creating r3 update CDs Steve McIntyre
- Mark Mollere
- Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Laurent LEVIER
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Alexander Skwar
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Laurent LEVIER
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Raphael Hertzog
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Laurent LEVIER
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Alexander Skwar
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date Laurent LEVIER
- Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date phil
- Bug#94756: libncurses5-dev (required for 'make menuconfig') is on disc 3 Ken Harris
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tasks by hertzog hertzog
- Updated popularity-contest file Raphael Hertzog
- cd label Will Holcomb
- No i386 ?? Adriano Peluso
- cvs commit to debian-cd by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/debian by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/data/woody by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/data/pics by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tools by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/data/potato by costar costar
- cvs commit to debian-cd/tasks by costar costar
- booting cd's with iso linux Glenn McGrath
- Customizing base2_2.tgz ? Simon Lyall
- 2.2r3 test images Philip Hands
- rdist Renai LeMay
- cvs commit to debian-cd by 93sam 93sam
- official 2.2_rev3 CDs available Philip Hands
- 2.2r3 ISO John Noonan
- Using Sony CD Extreme to burn .iso images from Windows John Baillie
- Last change before upload ? Raphael Hertzog
- Cd-Images Gustavo Adolfo Silva Ribeiro Felisberto
- Iso CD LACOMBE Arnaud
The last update was on 16:56 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 250 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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