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Re: Mirrors, it is nice, but after a week no one is up to date


"si j'aurais su j'aurais pas venu" :-)...

Il y a donc un script qui indique tout l'arbre a prendre, et qui genere une image ISO bootable...

Super...Je vais exploiter cette methode plutot que d'attendre la dispo chez les miroirs.
Je serais de toute facons accrediter a fournir la debian, vu que c'est pour ma boite seulement, et que je gere le departement securite, je dois donc etre un peu trustable :-)



At 11:00 22/04/2001 +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
>Le Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:24:50AM +0200, Laurent LEVIER écrivait:
>> Ok, so for guys waiting for ISO images, it would be great to have a
>> simple script to create them.
>How what a good idea !! It's called debian-cd. :) However when you build
>the CDs yourself you're not providing official debian CDs.
>BTW, Phil Hands has had some (hardware/kernel driver) troubles on the
>computer on which he should have generated the images, that explains why
>they are not yet available.
>> This way, at the moment when the distribution is made, it is 5 minutes
>> to create the new ISO image...
>The script take more time than 5 minutes to run.
>Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
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Laurent LEVIER 
IT Systems & Networks Security Specialist

Security Enabling Process
Security Incidents Response Team Manager

Tel. CVN : 7223-1912, ext. (+33) 4 92 38 19 12

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