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I've made an error last week so here are the new SID and WOODY CD images.


rsync is disabled currently, because Redhat fans are taking all my
resources. FTP should work, although I don't know how a PIII-450 will
handle more than 1500 concurrent FTP users (I've messed up my ftpd's
config and I don't want to kill them)...

The mirrors (at least ftp.se.debian.org and ftp.planetmirror.com) will
catch up soon, I think they have a stronger machine ;)

If you are a mirror and want to update the images please drop me a letter,
I will give access to another machine with rsync.

The md5 checksums are:
18e68c68f87fa477e2c38de691f1978f  woody-i386-1.raw
ab8c3413a7a359a0bc401bffbbb622ed  woody-i386-2.raw
154b2aacda6636148736f443d1527b52  woody-i386-3.raw
a6205a5ba7219d362bf0e6cad2303a29  woody-i386-4.raw
e434d3416113a84c1e5935fd17d07766  woody-i386-5.raw

0ea60af1b6c6d8e51f805a32a1f31d07  sid-i386-1.raw
29bcdbfdac5f66da0e957dea49bc2d93  sid-i386-2.raw
df299219d17f8fd62febbad0978f0eb4  sid-i386-3.raw
429d1fe44c273574a6e7e387b31acbae  sid-i386-4.raw
5a123d4e99f23e654e823126f4675083  sid-i386-5.raw
3010f99016b70e4a8854fb9ceafbbcd7  sid-i386-6.raw
194e696adacbd2e080ddf76dfdb5a3ea  sid-i386-7.raw

Attila Nagy                                    e-mail:  Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Budapest Polytechnic (BMF.HU)                   @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
H-1084 Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.           cell.: +3630 306 6758

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