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#850803: gajim: No persistent notifications in Plasma 5 Re: Which files should go in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/’? Re: Which files should go in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/’? Re: [Pkg-citadel-devel] Bug#851086: Bug#859789: RFH: citadel/webcit Re: [Pkg-citadel-devel] Bug#859789: Bug#859789: RFH: citadel/webcit Re: [Pkg-citadel-devel] Bug#859789: RFH: citadel/webcit Announce: cme now supports autopkgtest Re: Announcing Arch-dependent Python libs Ask for contribution Re: Auto-update for sid? Auto-backport? Re: Automatic downloading of non-free software by stuff in main Re: Bits from the DPL (December 2017) Re: Bug#601455: Steps towards a patch to document disabling a daemon upon installation Bug#734117: RFP: python-check-manifest -- tool to check the completeness of for Python packages Bug#838211: Bug#883133: Bug#883134: general: Add new package header Upstream-Version: Bug#883133: general: Add new package header Upstream-Version: Bug#883246: ITP: python-enum-compat -- Python enum/enum34 compatibility package Bug#883267: ITP: r-cran-rhandsontable -- GNU R interface to the 'Handsontable.js' library Bug#883268: ITP: node-googlediff -- Drop in the original code form svn of Neil Fraser's diff_match_patch. Bug#883270: ITP: r-cran-shinydashboard -- GNU R create dashboards with 'Shiny' Bug#883322: ITP: bitseq -- Bayesian Inference of Transcripts from Sequencing Data Bug#883383: ITP: liblog-any-adapter-tap-perl -- logging adapter suitable for use in TAP testcases Bug#883393: ITP: jool -- Open Source SIIT and NAT64 Translator for Linux Bug#883398: ITP: node-randomfill -- Fill a buffer with random value Bug#883414: ITP: autosuspend -- A configurable daemon to suspend a system in case of inactivity Bug#883429: ITP: nanopass-framework-scheme -- Embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme Bug#883430: ITP: stex -- stex to latex and latex to html converters and associated tools Bug#883465: ITP: appmenu-gtk-module -- GtkMenuShell to GMenuModel parser Bug#883471: ITP: geronimo-j2ee-management-1.1-spec -- Apache Geronimo J2EE Management 1.1 API Bug#883474: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel -- KDE's kimpanel implementation for GNOME Shell Bug#883484: ITP: r-cran-rstudioapi -- GNU R package to access the RStudio API Bug#883488: ITP: golang-gopkg-lxc-go-lxc.v2 -- Go bindings for liblxc Bug#883510: ITP: r-cran-recipes -- GNU R preprocessing tools to create design matrices Bug#883538: ITP: libmsnumpress -- numerical compression in mass spectrometry data Bug#883572: ITP: golang-github-golang-glog -- Leveled execution logs for Go Bug#883607: ITP: golang-github-dgryski-go-farm -- go-farm: a pure-Go farmhash implementation Bug#883628: ITP: ioport -- direct access to I/O ports from the command line Bug#883646: ITP: qtdbusextended -- Extended DBus interface for Qt Bug#883657: ITP: node-locate-path -- Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths Bug#883686: ITP: clonalorigin -- inference of homologous recombination in bacteria using whole genome sequences Bug#883771: ITP: openbmp -- BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) collector Bug#883825: ITP: golang-github-go-kit-kit -- Programming toolkit for microservices Bug#883828: ITP: woff2 -- library for converting fonts to WOFF 2.0 Bug#883887: ITP: journalwatch -- Simple log monitoring utility for the systemd journal Bug#883898: ITP: golang-github-mwitkow-go-conntrack -- Go middleware for net.Conn tracking (Prometheus/trace) Bug#883900: ITP: golang-github-prometheus-tsdb -- Bug#883932: ITP: sword-comm-mhc -- Matthew Henry Complete Commentary for SWORD Bug#883995: ITP: plexus-languages -- Plexus Languages Bug#884274: ITP: deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin -- Qt platform theme integration plugin for DDE Bug#884308: ITP: node-jquery-mousewheel -- jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support Bug#884317: ITP: python-django-x509 -- x509 PKI certificates management for Django Bug#884337: ITP: kio-gdrive -- KIO Slave to access Google Drive Bug#884357: ITP: cf-python -- Python tool for handling Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions for reading and writing files Bug#884380: ITP: node-postcss-discard-duplicates -- Discard duplicate rules in your CSS files with PostCSS Bug#884447: ITP: node-classnames -- UUtility for conditionally combining classnames in JavaScript Bug#884448: ITP: node-insert-module-globals -- browserify module replacement tools Bug#884450: ITP: node-pikaday -- A lightweight JavaScript datepicker Bug#884461: ITP: dokuwiki-plugin-wrap -- Provides the ability to wrap wiki text inside containers Bug#884494: ITP: dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz -- Create directed and non-directed graph images Bug#884507: ITP: libterm-choose-perl -- module to choose items from a list interactively Bug#884565: ITP: visidata -- terminal utility for exploring and arranging tabular data Bug#884566: ITP: node-autolinker -- Utility for automatically linking URLs, emails, etc. in text Bug#884575: ITP: syncthingtray -- a tray applet, plasmoid, and Dolphin integration for Syncthing Bug#884576: ITP: pokemmo -- Multiplayer online game based on the Pokemon universe Bug#884641: ITP: lwip -- small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite Bug#884731: ITP: libpostal -- parse and normalise street addresses around the world Bug#884732: ITP: pypostal -- Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalisation Bug#884742: ITP: gajim-plugininstaller -- Gajim plugin to install plugins from Bug#884758: ITP: r-cran-isoweek -- GNU R week of the year and weekday according to ISO 8601 Bug#884765: ITP: drupal-init-tools -- helper commands to create and install new Drupal projects Bug#884832: ITP: node-gulp-header -- Gulp extension for adding headers to files Bug#884833: ITP: node-gulp-footer -- Gulp extension for adding footers to files Bug#884834: ITP: node-gulp-if -- Gulp extension for using the LESS CSS compiler Bug#884839: ITP: node-gulp-angular-templatecache -- Gulp extension for dealing with AngularJS templates Bug#884840: ITP: node-gulp-closure-compiler -- Gulp extension for the Google Closure Compiler Bug#884841: ITP: node-gulp-closure-deps -- Gulp extension for generating Closure deps.js files Bug#884842: ITP: node-fork-stream -- Fork a stream in multiple directions Bug#884842: ITP: node-gulp-if -- Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects. Bug#884842: ITP: node-gulp-match -- Gulp extension for checking file conditions Bug#884842: ITP: node-ternary-stream -- Node.JS streams that are controlled by a condition Bug#884843: ITP: node-gulp-insert -- String manipulation library for Gulp Bug#884844: ITP: node-gulp-sass -- Gulp extension for using the SASS CSS compiler Bug#884851: ITP: r-cran-crosstalk -- GNU R inter-widget interactivity for HTML widgets Bug#884861: ITP: node-temp-write -- Write string/buffer/stream to a temporary file Bug#884866: ITP: libspreadsheet-readsxc-perl -- Extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data Bug#884872: ITP: iem-plugin-suite -- IEM's spatialization suite Bug#884909: ITP: subethasmtp -- Java library for receiving SMTP mail Bug#884952: ITP: frontaccounting -- web-based double entry accounting and ERP program Bug#884968: ITP: commons-email -- Apache Commons Java API for sending email Bug#885030: ITP: libnitrokey -- library to communicate with Nitrokey stick devices Bug#885065: ITP: node-ifvisible.js -- Determine if a web page is visible in the browser Bug#885070: ITP: libatteanx-compatibility-trine-perl -- compatibility layer between RDF::Trine and Attean Bug#885123: ITP: clojure-mode -- Emacs major mode for Clojure code Bug#885152: ITP: intel-me-cleaner -- Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images Bug#885154: ITP: libjs-browser-request -- Browser library compatible with the node-request package Bug#885165: ITP: node-cidr-regex -- Regular expression for matching IP addresses in CIDR notation Bug#885169: ITP: node-npm-bundled -- Parses info on bundled dependencies Bug#885176: ITP: teensy-loader-cli -- load and run programs onto your Teensy micro controller Bug#885220: ITP: debian-dad -- Automated Debian package updater Bug#885337: ITP: libdoxygen-filter-perl -- A Perl code pre-filter for Doxygen Bug#885349: ITP: spinner-el -- spinner for the Emacs modeline for operations in progress Bug#885350: ITP: queue-el -- queue data structure for Emacs Lisp Bug#885370: ITP: libgitlab-api-v4-perl -- GitLab API v4 module and command-line client Bug#885384: ITP: cider -- The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs Bug#885396: ITP: static3 -- Really simple WSGI way to serve static content Bug#885430: ITP: darkcold-gtk-theme -- dark GTK2/GTK3/Metacity theme Bug#885456: ITP: node-scss-tokenizer -- SCSS syntax tokenizer Bug#885460: ITP: node-sass-graph -- generate dependency graphs from Sass files Bug#885465: ITP: node-gaze -- a globbing wrapper Bug#885543: ITP: node-async-foreach -- JavaScript sync/async forEach Bug#885554: ITP: node-stdout-stream -- non-blocking standard output stream Bug#885555: ITP: node-node-sass -- Node.js bindings for libsass Bug#885583: ITP: node-json-parse-better-errors -- Node.js library for context errors on JSON.parse() Bug#885593: ITP: libt3highlight -- Syntax highlighting library Bug#885595: ITP: libt3key -- Terminal key sequence database library Bug#885596: ITP: libt3widget -- C++ terminal dialog toolkit Bug#885597: ITP: libt3window -- Library for creating window-based terminal programs Bug#885600: ITP: libtranscript -- Character set conversion library Bug#885604: Subject: ITP: node-meant -- Similar to 'Did you mean', returns probable correction Bug#885616: ITP: node-ip-regex -- Regular expression for matching IP addresses Bug#885661: ITP: cli-helpers -- Helper library for creating Python CLI applications Bug#885669: ITP: atf-allwinner -- "secure world" software for Allwinner SoCs Bug#885701: ITP: node-promise-retry -- Retries a function that returns a promise Bug#885718: ITP: node-sleep-promise -- Resolves a promise after a specified delay Bug#885722: ITP: node-event-stream -- a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams Bug#885723: ITP: node-p-is-promise -- Check if something is a promise Bug#885727: ITP: node-json-buffer -- JSON functions that can convert buffers. Bug#885779: ITP: node-from -- Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions Bug#885788: ITP: node-pause-stream -- a Node.JS stream that can be paused into buffering mode Bug#885834: ITP: libtree-r-perl -- Perl extension for the R-tree data structure and algorithms Bug#885844: ITP: node-into-stream -- Convert a buffer/string/array/object/ iterable/promise into a stream Bug#885848: ITP: node-simplestatemanager -- Lightweight state manager for responsive websites Bug#885849: ITP: node-gentle-fs -- It is a standalone library for "gently" remove or link directories. Bug#885861: ITP: node-dezalgo -- runs the supplied callback at the end of the current run-to-completion Bug#885862: ITP: node-byline -- byline is a simple module providing a LineStream. Bug#885897: ITP: libjs-jquery-backstretch -- jQuery background image plugin Bug#885900: ITP: node-knockout -- JavaScript MVVM framework Bug#885906: ITP: piu-piu -- Horizontal scroller game in bash for cli Bug#885924: ITP: node-init-package-json -- A node module to get your node module started. Bug#885932: ITP: libgeo-shapelib-perl -- Perl extension for reading and writing shapefiles as defined by ESRI Bug#885933: ITP: gajim-appindicatorintegration -- integrates Gajim with the appindicator build 2 similar binary packages from one source tree changing source and binary package names Compat level 11 is now stable and in backports (Was: Open beta of debhelper compat level 11 (debhelper/10.10.7)) custom packages and schroot workflow Re: Debian Stretch new user report (vs Linux Mint) Different versions for binary packages from same source emacs25 bug Exclicitly or "implicitly" mark architectures a packages does not build glibc-2.24-11+deb9u2 from s-p-u already in debian/dists/stretch/main/source/Sources.xz? Re: Has Copyright summarizing outlived its usefulness? I Re: Is missing SysV-init support a bug? Re: ISO download difficult ISO download difficult (was: Debian Stretch new user report (vs Linux Mint)) ITP: golang-github-knqyf263-go-deb-version -- A golang library for parsing deb package versions ITP: golang-github-knqyf263-go-rpm-version -- A golang library for parsing rpm package versions Re: New GitLab-Salsa service and Debian-Science Team package mail aliases (was: Participating on #SaveCodeShare from FSFE Precarious status of Shutter in Debian Re: recommends for apparmor in newest linux-image-4.13 RFH: citadel/webcit Re: ( replacement) going into beta The last update was on 03:52 GMT Mon Jun 24. There are 619 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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