debian-devel Aug 2017 by thread
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- NMU campaign for Reproducible Builds patches Mattia Rizzolo
- Bug#870380: ITP: deepin-gettext-tools -- Deepin Internationalization utilities Boyuan Yang
- Bug#870381: ITP: python-singa -- a machine learning library Moaz Reyad
- DocBook 5 for Debian Paul Hardy
- Bug#870457: ITP: gavodachs -- Virtual Observatory server suite Ole Streicher
- Re: building a debian kernel package(s) for a foreign architecture Jonathan Dowland
- Bug#870487: ITP: cxlflash -- Provides configuration and device management services for CAPI flash accelerators. Rodrigo R. Galvao
- Re: Running tests with xvfb Jeff
- Returning to the requirement that Uploaders: contain humans Sean Whitton
- Bug#870571: ITP: avro-c -- Apache Avro C Robert Edmonds
- Re: Detached upstream signature and git packaging Guido Günther
- Bug#870587: ITP: golang-github-cheekybits-is -- A mini testing helper for Go Anthony Fok
- Bug#870589: ITP: golang-github-matryer-try -- Simple idiomatic retry package for Go Anthony Fok
- Bug#870590: ITP: golang-github-tdewolff-test -- Go test helper functions Anthony Fok
- Bug#870591: ITP: golang-github-tdewolff-buffer -- Go buffer and wrapper types Anthony Fok
- Bug#870593: ITP: golang-github-tdewolff-parse -- Go parsers for web formats Anthony Fok
- Bug#870592: ITP: golang-github-tdewolff-strconv -- Go string conversions for numeric types Anthony Fok
- Bug#870594: ITP: golang-github-tdewolff-minify -- Go minifiers for web formats Anthony Fok
- Re: Bits from the 10th Debian Groupware Meeting Rainer Dorsch
- Bug#655420: ITP: jtransforms -- A multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java Carnë Draug
- Bug#870625: ITP: libengine-gost-openssl1.1 -- Loadable module for openssl implementing GOST algorithms Wartan Hachaturow
- Re: User-installable Debian packages? Florian Weimer
- MBF for deprecating Python2 usage Matthias Klose
- Work-needing packages report for Aug 4, 2017 wnpp
- Bug#870687: ITP: rss-bridge -- generate ATOM feeds for websites that don't have them Johannes Schauer
- How does one include the original upstream signature? Theodore Ts'o
- Bug#870723: ITP: python-deprecation -- A library to handle automated deprecations Ondřej Kobližek
- Bug#870726: ITP: libjs-fetch -- window.fetch JavaScript polyfill Ghislain Antony Vaillant
- Bug#870735: ITP: node-worker-farm -- FIX_ME write the Debian package description ANANTHANUNNI A
- Let's enable AppArmor by default (why not?) intrigeri
- Re: Windows viruses in Debian email packages [from Misc Developer News (#44)] Steve Robbins
- Bug#870826: ITP: python-wither -- XML/HTML Generation DSL Mike Gabriel
- sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Philipp Kern
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adrian Bunk
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Bastien ROUCARIES
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Christian Seiler
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Guus Sliepen
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Ian Campbell
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Ian Campbell
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adrian Bunk
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Philipp Kern
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... A. Maitland Bottoms
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adam Borowski
- Re: sse{2,3,4.2}, altivec, neon, ... Adrian Bunk
- Bug#870875: ITP: fonts-alegreya-sans -- Humanist sans-serif font designed by Juan Pablo del Peral 魏銘廷
- Bug#870877: ITP: trapperkeeper-scheduler-clojure -- Trapperkeeper service for scheduling background tasks Apollon Oikonomopoulos
- Bug#870878: ITP: ufolib -- Low-level UFO reader and writer 魏銘廷
- ITP: fortune-anarchism -- anarchist quotes for fortune spectranaut
- Bug#870880: ITP: browse-kill-ring-el -- interactively insert items from kill-ring Lev Lamberov
- Re: Debian Policy released Guillem Jover
- Bug#870908: ITP: php7.0-memcached -- memcached extension module for PHP7.x Akihito N
- Bug#870913: general: IPv6 tunnel on host machine and container ThYjp1b6mLxb2551TYsc
- Bug#870916: ITP: python-etcd3 -- Python client for the etcd API v3 Ondřej Kobližek
- Automatic way to install dbgsym packages for a process? Stefan Fritsch
- Bug#871036: ITP: libjs-jquery-blockui -- simulate synchronous behaviour using AJAX Kyle Robbertze
- Bug#871044: ITP: lightdm-autologin-greeter -- autologin greeter for lightdm Mike Gabriel
- How to change default umask in Stretch? Garrett R.
- Call for testers: DPut version 1.0.0 Ben Finney
- Embedded library copies - mergerfs Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- Bug#871245: ITP: tubedown -- Download videos for mp4 files using Youtube-dl GUI Diego Sarzi
- Re: OpenSSL disables TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Leon Klingele
- Bug#871261: ITP: spyder-notebook -- Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder Ghislain Antony Vaillant
- Bug#871268: ITP: vmtouch -- Portable file system cache diagnostics and control Lucas Nussbaum
- Bug#871450: ITP: golang-github-jdkato-syllables -- Go syllable counter Anthony Fok
- Bug#871453: ITP: golang-github-markbates-inflect -- A git fork of Anthony Fok
- ITP: libjs-jquery-minicolor -- Tiny color picker built on jQuery Michael Lustfield
- ITP: libjs-cssrelpreload -- JavaScript to load CSS asynchronously Michael Lustfield
- ITP: libjs-pdfjs -- PDF reader in JavaScript Michael Lustfield
- ITP: libjs-vue -- JS library for building interactive web applications Michael Lustfield
- ITP: libjs-swaggerui -- Assets to dynamically generate documentation Michael Lustfield
- ITP: libjs-semantic -- JS framework based around principles from natural language Michael Lustfield
- Bug#871464: ITP: golang-github-montanaflynn-stats -- Statistics package for Go Anthony Fok
- Bug#871472: ITP: golang-gopkg-neurosnap-sentences.v1 -- Golang package that converts a blob of text into a list of sentences Anthony Fok
- Bug#871474: ITP: golang-github-jdkato-prose -- Golang library for text processing Anthony Fok
- Bug in page? Vincent Lefevre
- Can Ubuntu font be added to a Debian repository? Garrett R.
- Bug#871497: ITP: sambamba -- tools for working with SAM/BAM data Andreas Tille
- Bug#871501: ITP: jellyfish1 -- count k-mers in DNA sequences Andreas Tille
- Re: Ubuntu font in debian repository Paul Sladen
- Bug#871533: ITP: uprightdiff -- examine differences between two images Kunal Mehta
- bind9 shipping outdated root hint file (etc.) Chris Lamb
- Bug#871541: ITP: libplibsys0 -- Highly portable C system library Alexander Saprykin
- Bug#871547: general: Can't change to any other background. Default User
- Bug#871552: ITP: golang-github-shogo82148-go-shuffle -- Primitives for shuffling slices and user-defined collections in Go Anthony Fok
- Bug#871580: ITP: mediawiki-extensions-translate -- MediaWiki tool for translations Kartik Mistry
- Bug#871594: ITP: mediawiki-extensions-universallanguageselector -- Tool to select a language and configure for MediaWiki Kartik Mistry
- Processed: Re: Bug#871547: general: Can't change to any other background. Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#856139: certspotter: long description advertises *unused* commercial service Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#871621: ITP: virt-bootstrap -- Tool to setpu the root file system for libvirt-based containers in an easy way Guido Günther
- Bug#871637: ITP: silx -- Toolbox for X-Ray data analysis Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- Bug#871640: ITP: python-django-celery-results -- Celery result backends for Django Michael Fladischer
- Bug#871660: ITP: fairsim -- ImageJ plugin for SIM reconstruction Carnë Draug
- Bug#871684: ITP: template-glib -- templating library for GLib Jeremy Bicha
- Bug#871707: ITP: jsonrpc-glib -- JSON-RPC library for GLib Jeremy Bicha
- Work-needing packages report for Aug 11, 2017 wnpp
- Bug#871738: ITP: tracker-miners -- file indexer and metaata extractors Jeremy Bicha
- Bug#871781: ITP: shimdandy -- Shim wrapping multiple Clojure runtimes into the same JVM Tom Marble
- Improvement of sensible-utils Bastien ROUCARIES
- Bug#871812: ITP: gajim-rostertweaks -- allows user to tweak Gajim roster window appearance W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#871827: ITP: message-templ -- templates for Emacs message-mode Sean Whitton
- Bug#871830: ITP: pylci -- Python-based Linux Control Interface W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#871913: ITP: boot-clj -- Build tooling for Clojure Tom Marble
- Bug#871926: ITP: octave-octproj -- cartographic projections transformations for Octave Rafael Laboissière
- Bug#871928: ITP: caja-rename -- Batch renaming extension for Caja Mike Gabriel
- what should I do if I want to adopt one orphaned package? 慕 冬亮
- Proposal: A new approach to differential debs Julian Andres Klode
- Bug#872024: ITP: golang-go.uber-multierr -- multierr allows combining one or more Go errors together Pirate Praveen
- Re: fdisk becoming non-essential, dependencies needed. Andreas Henriksson
- Bug#872148: ITP: octave-tisean -- nonlinear time series analysis for Octave Rafael Laboissière
- libgda with ui support. Pavlo Solntsev
- Re: [NLnet Labs Maintainers] Looking for new opendnssec and softhsm maintainer Berry A.W. van Halderen
- Re: openssl/libssl1 in Debian now blocks offlineimap? Norbert Preining
Bug#872318: ITP: python-meshio -- library for reading and writing mesh data Ghislain Antony Vaillant
Re: New archive key for wheezy generated bogdan
Bug#872328: ITP: node-rollup-plugin-commonjs -- Node.js plugin for rollup to convert CommonJS modules to ES6 Julien Puydt
openjdk-8-jre-jamvm gone? Andrey ``Bass'' Shcheglov
Bug#872352: ITP: skypat -- C++ performance analyzing and testing framework 賴建宇
Bug#872355: ITP: node-is-module -- Node.js code to check if a string is an ES6 module Julien Puydt
apt-get dist-upgrade uninstalled most of KDE nobrin
how to build dependency of python-webkit if python-webkit is not maintained? 慕 冬亮
Bug#872380: ITP: pocket-home -- a simple menu for mobile devices Stephen Paul Weber
Bug#872401: ITP: lmdbxx -- C++ wrapper for LMDB Hubert Chathi
Bug#872415: ITP: golang-github-shopspring-decimal -- arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go Shengjing Zhu
Bug#872443: ITP: node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve -- rollup plugin to bundle third-party dependencies Julien Puydt
Bug#872462: ITP: minetest-mod-character-creator -- Minetest module to customize your skin Julien Puydt
Call for volunteers: FTP Team Joerg Jaspert
Bug#872509: ITP: inhomog -- kinematical backreaction and average scale factor evolution Boud Roukema
Work-needing packages report for Aug 18, 2017 wnpp
Bug#872534: ITP: spyder-reports -- Spyder-IDE plugin for Markdown reports using Pweave Ghislain Antony Vaillant
Bug#872548: ITP: node-pathval -- Node.js module for object value access from a path Julien Puydt
Bug#872552: ITP: node-check-error -- Node.js module for error handling Julien Puydt
Bug#847003: ITP: connid -- framework for provisioning identities to repositories Christopher Hoskin
Bug#872592: ITP: node-syntax-error -- detect and report syntax errors in source code strings Bastien ROUCARIES
The last update was on 16:51 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 656 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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