debian-devel Jun 2006 by thread
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Re: Why does doc packages need to contain gzipped files? Graham Wilson
Re: Why does doc packages need to contain gzipped files? Osamu Aoki
Re: Why does doc packages need to contain gzipped files? Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe
Bug#375217: ITP: muswsusp -- tools to use userspace software suspend provided by the linux kernel Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra)
Bug#375218: ITP: liblzf-dev -- a very small data compression library Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra)
[MEETINGS] Log from the Debian Installer team meeting of June 24th 2006 Christian Perrier
Bug#375263: ITP: rtf2xml -- rtf2xml: convert MS RTF to XML alex bodnaru
Beta version of BTS full text searching available Don Armstrong
make -j in Debian packages Wouter Verhelst
Bug#375362: ITP: xdg-utils -- Desktop integration utilities from Per Olofsson
Debtags and Flamenco Enrico Zini
Possibility to get a OLPC developer's board [Reply-to: debian-custom-list] Knut Yrvin
Bug#375410: ITP: epdfview -- Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs Yves-Alexis Perez
Bug#375412: ITP: vdr-plugin-dxr3 -- Plugin to vdr to use a DXR3/Hollywood+ MPEG decoder as primary interface Nicolas Boullis
Why is procps in init.d? Craig Small
Reclaiming automake Eric Dorland
Bug#375441: ITP: python-stemmer -- Python bindings for Snowball stemming algorithms Franz Pletz
Bug#375462: ITP: kwin-style-serenity -- Plasmoid inspired window decoration for KDE Sune Vuorela
Bug#375461: ITP: kde-style-serenity -- Serenity widget style for kde Sune Vuorela
Testing excuses question Jiri Palecek
Re: (doc) 31. sarge install and postfix building Ozgur Karatas
Bug#375496: O: drupal Hilko Bengen
Bug#375548: ITP: openvcp -- Linux-VServer Control Panel Sebastian Harl
Bug#365073: ITP: zimpl -- mathematical modeling language for optimization problems Joachim Reichel
Re: sending debian-private postings to gmail Martin Schulze
Is OSS only support to be considered a bug? Preben Randhol
new tar behavior and --wildcards Bdale Garbee
Another weird tar issue (100 character filenames) Russ Allbery
Bug#375603: ITP: zope-pgstorage -- a ZODB backend that persists to a PostgreSQL database alex bodnaru
Bug#53121: With respect to nancy preussner Horace
Bug#375641: ITP: libgd-securityimage-perl -- Security image (captcha) generator Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy)
ITA: cyrus-sasl2? Michael Alan Dorman
Bug#375801: ITP: zope-cmfcompositepage -- visually combine page fragments into complete pages alex bodnaru
Bug#375797: ITP: zope-compositepack -- allows the Plone Manager to build composite pages alex bodnaru
RFT: please test mdadm/experimental martin f krafft
Bug#375809: ITP: python-chardet -- character encoding auto-detection in Python Piotr Ozarowski
Bug#375903: ITP: libgetopt++ -- C++ wrapper for getopt to allow arbitrary location of options within sources Adeodato Simó
Re: News from the python policy transition Raphael Hertzog
Booting - new idea? Arto Inkala
Debian mactel linux support? Junichi Uekawa
Dropping indirect dependencies from libgnutls-config --libs Andreas Metzler
These new diffs are great, but... Tyler MacDonald
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... martin f krafft
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Steinar H. Gunderson
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Tyler MacDonald
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Alec Berryman
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Marc Haber
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Eduard Bloch
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Marc Haber
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Florian Weimer
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Mike Hommey
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Florian Weimer
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Bastian Venthur
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Steinar H. Gunderson
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Bastian Venthur
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... martin f krafft
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Bastian Venthur
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Robert Lemmen
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Steinar H. Gunderson
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Bastian Venthur
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Joe Smith
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Miles Bader
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Kurt Roeckx
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Miles Bader
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Joey Hess
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Martin Michlmayr
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Marc Haber
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Andreas Barth
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Martin Schulze
- Re: These new diffs are great, but... Steinar H. Gunderson
#195752: Can somebody mark this bug as grave or critical? Tyler MacDonald
Bug#376038: ITP: hpodder -- Tool to scan and download podcasts (podcatcher) John Goerzen
article. Mission Scott
Work-needing packages report for Jun 30, 2006 wnpp
code cpustat.c Ozgur Karatas
cdrtools Elimar Riesebieter
Unidentified subject! Jaldhar H. Vyas
Using the SSL snakeoil certificate Jaldhar H. Vyas
Bug#376187: ITP: isomd5sum -- ISO/block-level checksum utilities Ryan Finnie
Bug#376214: ITP: octave2.1-forge -- Contributed functions for GNU Octave from for Octave 2.1 Thomas Weber
Bug#376215: ITP: octave2.9-forge -- Contributed functions for GNU Octave from for Octave 2.9 Thomas Weber
The last update was on 06:00 GMT Sun May 26. There are 1282 messages. Page 3 of 3.
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