Re: Why does doc packages need to contain gzipped files?
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 17:21:10 +0200
Thomas Viehmann <> wrote:
> I think that a notable addition (by Olaf v.d.S. IIRC) was that it
> could be worthwhile to improve viewers. E.g. kghostview will
> correctly open .pdf.gz while gnome-gv will not. Similarly kdvi
> opens .dvi.gz. Altough I'm not using KDE in general, my preference
> for kdvi is precisely because of that (and reverse search, but that
> seems to be more standard nowadays).
You would need to update share-mime-info (or similar packages) too. I
mean so that not only the applications that reads the pdf files work,
but that also rox-filer, nautilus, firefox e.i application that
launches the application for a given mime type knows which program
to call and not file-roller, ark or some other unpacking program.
Best wishes
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