debian-hurd Dec 2000 by subject
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about apt
about apt (attachment)
any interest in kORbit?
anyone there?
Autobuilder log pages
cross compile gnumach and hurd
Failed translation
First go at a translator needs your help!
Getting hurd working...
Happy new year 2001
Hurd CD
image CD
Install report
installing software
Keyboard settings for UK keyboard
libdb2 or Hurd issue?
libdb2 problem?
Fw: Mach, a but choise ?
Makefile-ish init
minicom error
Re: New HURD image! (fwd)
obscure cross-install failure
OT: errors with autoconf
Packages needing to be tested
Pengiun and Daemon
Plex86 boots GRUB
Ported package - now what?
porting to other architectures (68k no mmu family)
Post-install exit status 137 in upgrading libc0.2 on fresh Hurd install.
problem booting hurd
problems mounting my hurd partition
rereading a partition
Revival of the port specific -changes lists
Scripts for status of Hurd port, apt update
RE: Re: self compiled bzip2 does not extract
Re: Small bug in libnetfs
Re: some questions on Hurd
some trouble
Status of ftpfs?
status warning
Strange behaviour after cross-compiling
Suggestion for the list management
Re: sysvinit
testing (don't reply)
Understanding "The Way Things Go"
Unidentified subject!
Re: URLs for new developers 20000418 - File Systems: ftp, union, global,...
Re: URLs for new developers 20000418 - File Systems: ftp, union, global,...
What's wrong with my trying?
xfce desktop, xforms library
FWD: Re: xfce on the Hurd
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