FWD: Re: xfce on the Hurd
in search of an X desktop I decided to
give 'xfce' a try (KDE and Gnome, I
thought, might be more difficult to port).
To compile successfully I did not have to
change anything in the sources.
However, I did encounter problems, so I
asked Olivier, the author of xfce:
---------Weitergeleitete Mitteilung--------
Datum: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 09:05:02 +0100
Von: Olivier Fourdan <fourdan@xfce.org>
An: Martin Stenzel <h0444xyv@rz.hu-
Betreff: Re: xfce on the Hurd
What you describe is typically a problem of
UNIX pipe. In Xfce, modules
communicate thru a standard UNIX pipe.
When this pipe dies, the module dies. The
Xfce panel can be run as a module or as a
single application. When started as a
module, it seems that the pipe can't be
opened and make the panel die. When
started as an application, the panel runs
but does not interact with the window
Is there anything special in Hurd regarding
UNIX pipes ?
Quoting Martin Stenzel
> Salut Olivier,
> when the xfce panel initially starts and
disappears again, how can I
> track down this
> problem? Is there an error log which
will tell me?
> Putting the keyword 'Exec' before
'xfce' starts xfce correctly (I cannot
> use the virtual
> desktops 1..4 though),
> putting the keyword 'Module' before
'xfce' the panel only shows up
> shortly to
> disappear again.
> These questions refer to version 2.4
Now, is there a point for me, where to
start debuging? I guess there is not a
real difference between *nix and the
Hurd, when it comes to pipes, is there
(same C I/O library)?
Thanks in advance,
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