Hurd CD
The transition of the Debian archive to the spool system is creating
problems for the Hurd CD. Debian-cd will have to be modified to work with
this and already I have noticed that sourceforge, the mirror I use, has
not been updated for the the last few days. In time the new scheme will
settle down, but this could be a month or two. While the transition does
not affect potato (2.2_rx), it does affect woody and hurd is part of
What this means is that hurd-E1.iso will be the last release until the
transition to pool has settled down.
I plan to rebuild the CD shortly using the pre-pool file system and, if
time permitts, rebuild the boot-floppies based on 2.2.20. I will also
incorporate the new tarball. Unfortunately this means that I will have to
stop developing the CD after this until the pool system is fully
Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Dunedin, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
Mobile 025 267 9420. I sell GNU/Linux CDs. See
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- Re: Hurd CD
- From: Marcus Brinkmann <>