i've now updated my installation to a point where i have to wait
for new packages...
what i've noted... some of them might be known issues, but i'd
like to point out how a newbie sees Debian GNU/Hurd at this
* Packages.
It confuses me to have ~1000 Packages which makes no sense for
the hurd (yet), like login or makedev, which were provided by the
hurd-package, but are flagged as 'required' in dselect.
* ftp from the outside on the hurd-server doesn't work
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.
the logfile says:
Dec 3 11:16:58 worf ftpd[57]: fcntl F_SETOWN: Operation not supported
* i still encounter random freezes of the system (ping still
answers, but telnet and console are dead.) when i use apt.
* in is something that looks
like forgotten package-fragments (just a cosmetical problem)
* i tried to recompile 'jove' (the editor) and most of it seems
to work... but it can't open files. i can save text to a file,
but i can't open them. ('Read error: Bad file descriptor')
Hints on this?
Don't want to bug anybody, if this all is known and discussed
here, please ignore me.
Cord Beermann (Privat)
zu lange im Netz: Du kannst fehlerfrei mindestens einen "Connect 9600"
zustandebringen - ohne Modem, nur durch pfeifen in den Telefonhörer.
-- Benedict Mangelsdorff <>
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