Re: New HURD image! (fwd)
On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Neal H Walfield wrote:
> > is on the CD, but not as a local fs. I am trying to get it
> > to work as a "local" fs as on a starndard Debian CD, but not getting
> > anywhere at the moment. It can be accessed manually at the moment.
> I am sure that I am the idiot, however, allow me a stab: Since all of
> the packages on are meant to replace the ones found in the
> debian archive, we can you not overlay onto the debian
> archive and then update the package.gz file?
Could be done with a lot of fiddling by hand. However, I am trying to set
up some scripts that will generate a series of snap-shot CDs. The
problems I am meeting probably indicate some fundimental flaw which could
be located in a number of places and this needs to be identified and
Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Dunedin, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
Mobile 025 267 9420. I sell GNU/Linux CDs. See
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