Suggestion for the list management
Just a suggestion. I have tried to do this for the debian-french list
but never manage to convince the debian's lists' managers to do this.
Perhaps will you be able to do that for the hurd list ?
The same questions come over and over again. Can we consider that every
people subscribing to the hurd list could receive, when subscribing, a
page with the basic explanations on :
1) Where to find informations about the Hurd ;
2) pointers to the installation's guides ;
3) pointers to the documentation site.
It would allow Marcus, Neal and others to focuse on the hard work.
Thierry LARONDE <>
10, rue du Bel Air, 74000 ANNECY - FRANCE/ Tel : 33.(0)
/home du SDF (Site Debian Francophone) :
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