Re: any interest in kORbit?
On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 17:41:28 EST, the world broke into rejoicing as
"Kleinmann, Peter G" <pklein@lehman.COM> said:
> this article in LinuxToday is about a corba interface built into the
> kernel, allowing user-space servers to handle system calls, etc.
... An interesting proof of concept of what I'd consider a Pretty
Daft Idea.
It makes some sense to introduce something like this to Hurd, but
it's not likely to make it into Linux any time soon.
> I don't know how many services are already offered by the HURD, but
> kORbit sounds like a nice transitional technology for bringing in more
> services developed for linux, and for making future line enhancements
> equally available to HURD.
> Any thoughts?
I would think it _quite_ sensible to implement an ORB as a Hurd
service; this could provide some interesting strategies for the
implementation of things like the Implementation Repository; many
of the services could be virtualized so that they may look like
% cd /corba/IR
% ls
CoSNaming CoSEvent CoSTransaction
% cd COSNaming
% ls
% cd CosNaming
% ls
structs interfaces exceptions
% cd interfaces
% ls
NamingContext BindingIterator
% cd NamingContext
% ls
structs methods exceptions
% cd methods
% ls
bind rebind bind_context resolve unbind naming_context
bind_new_context destroy list
% cd rebind
% ls
in out exceptions returns
% cd in
% ls
% cat n
... Which basically is demonstrating a mapping of the standard
Naming Service onto a directory structure...
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "") <>
Rules of the Evil Overlord #123. "If I decide to hold a contest of
skill open to the general public, contestants will be required to
remove their hooded cloaks and shave their beards before entering."
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