Hello friends, I'm a Debian GNU/Linux user and I'm new to Hurd, I installed it and had problems with it, it was having a strange behavior managing directories, I resized the partition to < 1G and it is now fine... I want to mount my Linux partition on Hurd, so that I can use my Linux user's home dir in Hurd. I did what the instalation guide say: I created the hd0s2 (my linux partition (the root) is at /dev/hda2. with: ./MAKEDEV hd0s2 and mounted it with: settrans -c /linux /hurd/ext2fs /dev/hd0s2 But then, when I try to `ls` that dir it says that the disk size seems too small, something like this and it says that the translator has died... any hint? =) []s! -- Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov /******************************************************* *http://www.doctorkov.cjb.net * *GPG Key: http://www.geocities.com/dockov/html/pgp.html* *irc.debian.org -> #debian-br UIN: 20766822 * *******************************************************/
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