debian-amd64 Mar 2004 by subject

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2.6.4-x86_64 compiled in a chroot. And now? Re: 32-bit testing and 64-bit kernel [biarch] mysql-client vs. perl [PATCH] make login compatible with X86-64 [PATCH] make pam use correct lastlog time value on X86-64 [pure amd64] Linux 2.6.3 compile fails [pure amd64] XF 4.3.0-5.1 pkgs available [pure amd64] xfree86 4.3.0-3 [rebuild request] scsh for woody alioth is down BiArch - sarge installable ? biarch using alioth - works and boots Building gcc-3.3 for pure64. Chupa Chups Mailing: virus detected but not cleaned compiling kernel ... Debian 32/64bit or pure 64bit Doubt dpkg architecture FAI and clusters with amd64 Fontconfig problems in pure64 GCC pure64 for building numeric stuff and GCC Getting started Hello! Re: i'm desperate for a biarch toolchain! Inconsistencies in FAQ/HOWTO. is people/~jgoerzen deprecated? main pure64 repository problems Re: openssl (and ssh) Re: Pure64 chroot available Re: reproducing my config reproducing my config - and python-numeric Request to try building "blas" Retour Mail de confirmation some benchmarks on a 3000+ still can't build a kernel / -m32 doesn't work still Re: alioth is down Support for amd64 on tetex-bin package. Where to from here? The last update was on 00:02 GMT Thu Jun 20. There are 127 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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