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Re: FAI and clusters with amd64

I'm not of that much of information for you: I did use FAI to install
pure 32bit debian cluster on my amd64 nodes. Worked pretty well. I have
all configs if you want. Later management was accomplished through

If you succeed with FAI 64bit installation can you please report it to
the list - it would be very interesting :-)


On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 06:42:36PM -0500, Brett Viren wrote:
> Hi,

> I'm considering using FAI to manage the installation of an Opteron
> based cluster.  Has anyone tried this with either the biarch or pure64
> port of Debian?  Any gotchyas to worry about regarding either FAI or
> 64bit related?

> Are there any alternatives to FAI I should look into?

> Thanks for any input,
> -Brett.
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