Re: Pure64 chroot available
> John Goerzen writes:
> > mkdir amd64_pure_test/{tmp,root,proc}
> > mount -t proc none amd64_pure_test/proc
> > LOGNAME=root chroot amd64_pure_test
> > vi /etc/apt/sources.list -- change the references to
> > http://debian/ to or your local mirror
> > (and yes, binary-i386 is right; it only gets Arch: all packages from
> > there)
> > apt-get update
> > apt-get -u dist-upgrade
> I currently have a working system which I am trying to flesh how.
> The problem I see is that when I try:
> apt-get install xlibs
> it pulls the xlibs-4.3.0-5 package from binary-i386 and not from your
> archive (which has xlibs-4.2.1-16.1). I aborted the install before it
> could actually install anything.
> Am I missing something?
How did you set your preferences?
I have:
# cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: release l=jgoerzen
Pin-Priority: 1500
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