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[rebuild request] scsh for woody


Please help me move scsh from woody/main to woody/non-free by
rebuilding it for all 32 bit released architectures (don't try on 64
bit architectures, it won't work). I can't do it because I am not a
Debian Developer, hence I don't have access to the Debian machines.

Ready-to-build package at http://www.conuropsis.org/~lmamane/ .

scsh is "nearly free": Its main license is no-ad BSD, but some
non-free parts have escaped the vigilance of upstream. These parts
have been ripped out, replaced or relicensed for next version, which
shows that upstream is eager to have a fully free program. Still, the
version in woody contains non-free parts, so we have to either remove
it or move it to non-free.

The latter would be obviously better for our users, which, as the
recent GR has demonstrated, are and stay our priority, even when they
want to use non-free software. It would also be a better signal
towards upstream.

For it to happen, we need to rebuild it for all architectures it is
present in in woody.

So, please, let's show that you *mean* what you voted for, and rebuild
scsh for some architectures.

(While you are at it, you may want to rebuild the package in unstable,
 so that the new package migrates to testing, and the wrongly labeled
 ones disappear. But woody first. The unstable / testing issue will
 be resolved by the release of the next upstream version anyway, maybe
 in time for sarge.)

Thank you in advance,


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