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Re: Doubt


On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 06:03:21PM +0000, João Grilo wrote:
> at the moment i have only sarge i386 and 2.6.4 kernel compiled for i386.
> Can't i build the 2.6.4 kernel for 64 bits without making a chroot 
> environment ?

You can not. You must create a woody chroot with debootstrap and install
the biarch stuff from alioth into it in order to cross-compile the
kernel, and do not forget the gcc wrapper.

And you should not use 2.6.4, it seems to have problems with IA32
emulation - take 2.6.5-rc2 or newer.

> Can't i just add alioth to sources.list and install biarch on my present 
> system ?

Actually not, because the biarch packages are completely outdated
compared to actual sarge versions.

Frederik Schueler


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