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Re: Support for amd64 on ftp.debian.org?

> I, for various reasons, would very much like to see an amd64 area on
> ftp.debian.org.  I believe this is vital to our ability to proceed with
> any sort of efficiency.


> We do presently have a pure64 environment that is mostly usable and
> complete enough to meet the standards for having something in
> ftp.debian.org.  We also have the biarch64 environment that is probably
> not ready for this yet.

What standards are you referring to?  IIRC, back before "sid" meant
unstable, it was used to denote new ports which were not quite ready
yet, but these files were still hosted on the ftp site.  I think
the standards for having something in ftp.debian.org are really much
much lower than "ready for prime time".

I think biarch64 might progess a lot faster if it was made available
in this way.


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