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Re: Support for amd64 on ftp.debian.org?

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 10:03:14AM -0500, Eric Sharkey wrote:
> > We do presently have a pure64 environment that is mostly usable and
> > complete enough to meet the standards for having something in
> > ftp.debian.org.  We also have the biarch64 environment that is probably
> > not ready for this yet.
> What standards are you referring to?  IIRC, back before "sid" meant

Please see:


> unstable, it was used to denote new ports which were not quite ready
> yet, but these files were still hosted on the ftp site.  I think
> the standards for having something in ftp.debian.org are really much
> much lower than "ready for prime time".


> I think biarch64 might progess a lot faster if it was made available
> in this way.

Yes, but pure64 can progress a lot faster yet and is farther along now.

-- John

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