debian-sparc Sep 1999 by thread
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autocompiler? Lalo Martins
Kernel 2.2.12 compile problems on SS2 Anthony Le Mansec
[CRITICAL] need kernel-image for sparc/sparc64 Adam Di Carlo
ssh between Linux Sparc and PC Walter Keeler
no prtconf ? Florian Lohoff
xmotd don't run RENAULT Laurent
SILO probs Kris Constable
SS20 Default Color Depth Weon-sun Lee
Dual Booting Roberto Beccherle
lost last emails Eric Delaunay
Kernel 2.2.x compile problems on SS20 Weon-sun Lee
SunOS emulation Dave Love
Man segfaulting Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Re: Dica de site. Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
problem installing Debian on a Ultra 10 (CDROM problem) Olivier Bornet
Weitek Powerup chips and recent kernels? Mike Renfro
The last update was on 07:15 GMT Sat May 11. There are 205 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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