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swap on NFS

  I'm willing to provide swap on NFS for our bootdisk kernel (at least in
sparc32 arch) to allow installation on low memory diskless workstations (8MB or

I did some trial with my current bootdisks and it appears that 16MB (maybe 12MB
but I don't have the needed SIMM modules to create such configuration) is the
minimum required to install Debian on a diskless workstation.

I found a patch for 2.0.35 kernel on the net but none for 2.2 :-((
Is there such patch available somewhere ?
The only thing I found for 2.2 is a patch for swapping over a network block
device (http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/nbd/nbd.html).
Did you have any experience with it ?  Especially how to set it up.

Thanks in advance.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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