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Re: xserver-sun* breakage.

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 07:18:08PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> Try installing the package xfonts-pex.
> Branden, isn't the X upgrade supposed to handle depending on the correct
> fonts? What is it the actually is using the PEX fonts?

Here's my theory for what's going on:

* XFree86 servers have some of their dynamically loaded modules, like PEX,
  separate from the server binary; for them, the PEX extension is in the
  "xext" package.

* The Xsun servers compile all their extensions right into the binary and
  don't dynamically load any.  At the very least, they don't dynamically
  load PEX.

* XFree86 servers give a warning, but do not die, if they load the PEX
  extension module but cannot find the sample fonts, which we keep in
  xfonts-pex.  (Read the package description of xfonts-pex).

Can someone check into this for me?

1) Does installing xfonts-pex make this problem go away?

2) Can the PEX fonts be served from a font server?

It is important to have both of these questions answered before I can act.
If 1) is yes but 2) is no, then the xserver-xsun* packages must Depend: on
xfonts-pex.  If both 1) and 2) are yes, then it's just going to have to be
a point of information for Xsun server users and I will update
documentation to reflect this, including the package descriptions.

If both 1) and 2) are no, then we in fact have a more serious problem and
my theory is totally wrong.

Two things to keep in mind:
*) I can't claim a dependency on "working-font-server" for obvious reasons.
There have been many complaining bugs filed against the XFree86 packages
because the packaging system people shoot themselves in the foot by not
installing any fonts at all and not pointing the X server to a font server.
This is a user education issue.

*) I don't know how actively maintained the Xsun servers are.

Please be sure to CC the bug number in my CC line above with any
substantive information on this bug.

G. Branden Robinson              |    Communism is just one step on the long
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    road from capitalism to capitalism.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |    -- Russian saying
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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