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  May I suggest this addition to section 2.3. using floppy disks:

1. run "fdformat -v" on 8 floppy disks.

2. You will need to put resc1440.bin, root1440.bin, drv1440.bin and
base14-[1-5].bin, on each of the floppies respectively. This can be
accomplished by the "dd" command. ie: # dd if="resc1440.bin" of="/dev/fd0"

3. In order to start the procedure, place the rescue floppy (the disk
with resc1440.bin) into the drive and at the monitor prompt:

    boot floppy

   This will load the kernel, automatically eject the floppy and request
for you to insert the root disk. (the disk with root.bin).

4. You are now in the same state as previous methods.

 (Personally I feel you can leave out #4 as that assumes the reader has
read all of the other installation methods, and I don't think it's a
good idea to assume a new user will read methods that he doesn't intend
on using..).



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