debian-kde Sep 2004 by thread
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- Re: Strange behaviour of kmail's mail folders (KDE 3.3.0) Ralph Alvy
- Re: servicemenu not recognized Robert
- Menus are screwed up (double entrys or "No text!") Timo Springmann
- Re: Konsole bug? Antiphon
- kmail sid version bug? Christoph Kaminski
- Shrinking kvim Jan Ulrich Hasecke
- KDE packages missing in Sarge Hannes Kuhnert
- Re: Screwed up toolbars and menus Matej Cepl
- kdm does not start session: solved Matías Costa
- RFS: kubication -- KDE network configuration selector Luciano Bello
- Dependency Problems -- Take II Robert Tilley
- Frozen bubble problem solved Robert Tilley
- Kmail logging Dennis Busboom
- Re: Arts, network transparency, nas. Joost Baas
- ALSA Installation on a Alu Powerbook Roland Wegmann
- Re: KDE 3.3 logout crashes my system
- Re: kde sound logoff crash workaround
- Re: Problem with kmail and imap (kdepim-kio-plugins not installed) Alex Nordstrom
- Messaggio cancellato postmaster!
- Re: possible solution (was Re: Keyboard not working in KDM sometimes) Stefan Buckmann
- Re: systray spacing bug Michael Kuhlmann
- KMail 1.7 with S/MIME support? cbergmann
- Problem installing Windows 2000 in Bochs Oleg
- unsubscribe Anssi Porttikivi
- debian sid kde3.3 problem with some mp3 files Bjoern
- building kde deb Vishal Vatsa
- KDE 2.3.2, KDE 3.3, Blender 2.34 == Trouble??? Bob Tilley (AT&T)
- krdc requires rdesktop 1.3.2, but only rdesktop 1.3.1 is available Tomàs Núñez Lirola
- RE: krdc requires rdesktop 1.3.2, but only rdesktop 1.3.1 is avai lable Scott Thompson
- perculiar performance problem Linus McCabe
- Konsole crashing Jason Bleazard
- Howto load i18n? Anousak
- Konqueror, KMail Help Robert Tilley
- Konqueror 3.3, Icon View mode in Filemanager James Hirschorn
- Re: KMail 1.7 (KDE 3.3) jumps to first unread message Ralph Alvy
- Footnotes (not really but I do not know how this thing is named) in Kword Wolfgang Mader
- How to update kde 2,2,2 to kde 3.3.0 sergio andres toro diaz
- Krypto Modules (for Kmail) Roland Wegmann
- ClamAV and KMail Roland Wegmann
- KMail 3.3 + S/MIME : some tips Adeodato Simó
- KDE 3.3 logout crashes Linux because of arts sound server Krystof Zacek
- security of KDE 3.2 in testing/sarge Ross Boylan
- Lots debian packages (wine, zapping, gst-plugins0.8, Qcad, etc.) can't enter to Sarge because of arts :( AKL. Mantas Kriauciunas
- Re: kile and spell checking Ranjan Grover
- "Win" key in KDE Nikita V. Youshchenko
- kjcmd in sarge doesn't start Matej Cepl
- sound error when kde starts Guilherme Rocha
- [Semi-OT]: Amarok opens UDP socket Ian Eure
- Sarge/DAC960/grub Greg Madden
- Debian bug #271995 -- kjscmd does not start Matej Cepl
- Add Printer -- No Backend Available Robert Tilley
- SMB4k works, KDE Printer Scanner fails? Robert Tilley
- Installing kde apps in a user directory Thomas Braun
- Reconfiguring a KDE Menu Robert Tilley
- Middle-clicking doesn't start new message Robert Tilley
- KFilterBase::findFilterByExtension A.P.Munnikes
- artsd-1.3.0 and thus libqt3-3.3.3 in testing Hendrik Sattler
- Re: Kget crashes in unstable David A. Panariti
- Problem with new kdelibs in sid Andrea Cavaliero
- bookmarks toolbar and profiles in konqueror broken Bellegarde Cédric
- Back in Konqueror broken Ian Eure
- copy window costumize LeVA
- Konqueror: window is resized on switching tabs Michael Schuerig
- konsole only shows few fonts Andrea Cavaliero
- dcop and NIS/NFS Jan Albiez
- Customize possition of icons on the desktop Wolfgang Mader
- System Backup? Robert Tilley
- Krusader 1.40 for sarge Matej Cepl
- Background of icons in KDE 3.2.2 Matej Cepl
- XIM support broken again? Arne Götje (高盛華)
- KDE Logout Hang because realtime artsd: a followup Adeodato Simó
The last update was on 06:11 GMT Sat May 11. There are 195 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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