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Re: Lots debian packages (wine, zapping, gst-plugins0.8, Qcad, etc.) can't enter to Sarge because of arts :(

Am Freitag, 17. September 2004 22:13 schrieb AKL. Mantas Kriauciunas:
> 1. Allow to enter arts 1.3.0 into Sarge (look at the bugreport for more
> info - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=269132 )

"Just installed arts and its libs, as well as the newer QT it depends on"
Let me guess, the newer QT will mess up current KDE compiled against an older 
version (like almost everytime that QT got updated)? arts-1.3.0 in testing is 
not a good idea if it pulls in a new QT, especially since the change is from 
qt-3.2.3 to qt-3.3.3.

> 2. Downgrade arts in unstable to 1.2.3 and recompile all packages in
> unstable, which depends on arts.

And new KDE-3.3 will work fine with old arts? What exactly change between 
arts-1.2.3 and arts-1.3.0?

> It would be great if developers decide ASAP, which solution is the best,
> because Sarge will be released pretty soon and currently some packages in
> sarge are buggy and very outdated (for example zapping is one year old,
> version 0.68 in Sarge and this version still uses GTK1 and GNOME1
> libraries, while in unstable zapping is at version 0.70 ported to GTK2
> and GNOME2 libraries and upstream is already at 0.71; QCAD is 2 years old
> in Sarge, at version 1.54, while there is very improved version in unstable
> - 2.0.3)

And this why exactly? 1 or 2 years old programs that got a new version just 
lately usually means that they worked fine for a pretty long time. GTK1 is 
surely older but does not make a program useless.


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