debian-l10n-french May 2014 by thread
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- [RFR3] wml://News/2014/20140426.wml Baptiste Jammet
- Re: Dpkg translation schedule and current issues Christian PERRIER
- (forw) Dpkg translation schedule and current issues Christian PERRIER
- Re: [dpkg] traduction de dpkg/po/fr.po Steve Petruzzello
- Re: [RFR2] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/x509/po/fr.po JP Guillonneau
- [DONE] wml://security/2014/dsa-2901.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/dsa-2900.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2014/dsa-289{7,8,9}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2014/dsa-2902.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2911.wml jean-pierre giraud
- Re: [RFR2] wml://security/2014/dsa-291{2,3,4}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- cyphesis-cpp: Please update the PO translation for the package cyphesis-cpp Olek
- [MAJ] po-debconf://designate/fr.po 13f4u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] openssl/po4a/evp/po/fr.po amadou doumbia
- Re: [RFR3] po-debconf://clamav/fr.po 8f19u Anthony Barillot
- [LCFC] po://cups/fr.po JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2919.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] ddp://java-faq/fr.po Kilic Ali-Firat
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2906.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [LCFC] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/SSL_set/po/fr.po Lucas Laugier
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2920.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/SSL_CTX_set/po/fr.po orilion
- [DONE] ddp://java-faq/fr.po Kilic Ali-Firat
- [DONE] openssl/po4a/evp/po/fr.po amadou doumbia
- [LCFC] openssl/po4a/evp/po/fr.po amadou doumbia
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-292{1,2,3,4}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR2] openssl/po4a/evp/po/fr.po amadou doumbia
- Re: [RFR4] po-debconf://clamav/fr.po 8f19u Anthony Barillot
- [LCFC] po4a://devscripts David Prévot
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/SSL_set/po/fr.po David Prévot
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/SSL_set/po/fr.po David Prévot
- Re: [RFR] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/apps/po/fr.po David Prévot
- Re: [LCFC] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/crypto/po/fr.po David Prévot
- [BUG#747253] po4a://java-common Kilic Ali-Firat
- Re: [RFR] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/ openssl/apps/po/fr.po Celia Boudjemai
- ucf 3.0028: Please update debconf PO translation for the package ucf Manoj Srivastava
- [DONE] wml://security/2014/dsa-2903.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2904.wml Thomas Vincent
- [DONE] wml://security/2014/dsa-2905.wml Thomas Vincent
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2907.wml Thomas Vincent
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-29{08,09,10}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [DONE] wml://News/2014/20140420.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: Re: [RFR2] po4a://pdf2djvu/doc/po/fr.po MAJID Redouane
- [RFR] wml://consultants/comware.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://users/org/acais jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://users/edu/ciid-politicas-unam.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2925.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR2] wml://security/2014/dsa-2915.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://vote/2014/vote_002.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://vote/2014/vote_001.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://vote/2014/suppl_001_{stats,stats_detailed}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- Re: [RFR] src://vote_001_{index,majority,quorum,results}.src jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2916.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2917.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://vote/2014/suppl_002_{stats,stats_detailed}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] src://vote_002_{index,majority,quorum,results}.src jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2014/dsa-2918.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] po-debconf://clamav/fr.po 8f19u Anthony Barillot
- DPN 2014/08 frozen. Please review and translate. Cédric Boutillier
- Correction de lien concernant le jeu Wormux Goupil
- [LCFC] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/x509/po/fr.po alex
- [RFR3] po4a://pdf2djvu/doc/po/fr.po MAJID Redouane
- [LCFC]po4a://manpages-fr-extra/ openssl/apps/po/fr.po Celia Boudjemai
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2014/08 jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2926.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [MAJ] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/eglibc/po4a/po/fr.po 644t 6f 13u David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-292{7,8}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2929.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [TAF] po-debconf://igtf-policy-bundle/fr.po 8u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-293{0,1}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [MAJ]po4a://manpages-fr-extra/e2fsprogs/po4a/po/fr.po 1140t 1f 2u David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-293{2,3,4}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [BTS#748884] po-debconf://percona-xtradb-cluster-5.5/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml ://News/2014/20140426.wml David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2935.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [MAJ] po-debconf://postgresql-common/fr.po 4u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2936.wml jean-pierre giraud
- wml://MailingLists/desc David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2014/09 jean-pierre giraud
- [MAJ] po-debconf://cloud-init/fr.po 1u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://{others,templates}.fr.po Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://doc/users-manual.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2937.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2938.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] ddp://java-faq/fr.po Kilic Ali-Firat
- break in attempt contact
- [MAJ] po-debconf://clamav/fr.po 6f5u Christian PERRIER
- Courriel en Français pour Débian 7.0 AMD 64. Pingourd
- RE: Courriel en Français pour Débian 7.0 AMD 64. valentin OVD
- [RFR] wml://events/{checklist,eventsmailinglists}.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://events/{material,index}.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://security/2014/dsa-2939.wml jean-pierre giraud
- Nettoyage du spam : mai 2014 jean-pierre giraud
The last update was on 14:17 GMT Wed May 01. There are 271 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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