debian-l10n-french Jul 2010 by thread
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Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml/french/News/weekly/2010/07 index.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist frenc ... Pierre Machard
Confirmation de désabonnement VENTEGROS
Smuxi (po-Frontend-GNOME): Please update the PO translation for the package Smuxi (po-Frontend-GNOME) Mirco Bauer
Smuxi (po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC): Please update the PO translation for the package Smuxi (po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC) Mirco Bauer
Smuxi (po-Engine): Please update the PO translation for the package Smuxi (po-Engine) Mirco Bauer
Smuxi (po-Engine-Twitter): Please update the PO translation for the package Smuxi (po-Engine-Twitter) Mirco Bauer
Smuxi (po-Engine-IRC): Please update the PO translation for the package Smuxi (po-Engine-IRC) Mirco Bauer
gitolite 1.5.3-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package gitolite Jonathan Wiltshire
[TAF] po-debconf://moodle/fr.po 3u Christian PERRIER
[RFR] po-debconf://ikiwiki/fr.po Philippe Batailler
KVIrc4 en français xoffice
isoquery: Please update the PO translation for the package isoquery Tobias Quathamer
[RFR] ikiwiki://po/underlays/directives/ikiwiki/directive/ Philippe Batailler
[RFR] KVIrc : python_fr/ perl_fr xoffice
[D-I Manual] Build log for fr (17 Jul 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
[BTS#589374] po-debconf://bugzilla/fr.po Christian PERRIER
[BTS#589492] po-debconf://isc-dhcp/fr.po Christian PERRIER
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml english/security/audit/faq.wml french/s ... Pierre Machard
[MAJ] man://manpages-fr-extra/e2fsprogs/fr.po 10f25u David Prévot
[MAJ] man://manpages-fr-extra/nfs-utils/fr.po 50f131u David Prévot
[MAJ] man://manpages-fr-extra/{procps,tar,util-linux}/fr.po 16f360u 25f75u 17f3u David Prévot
[ITT] po://help2man/fr.po 2f5u David Prévot
[VAC] 24/07/2010 => 15/08/2010 Florentin Duneau
[MAJ] man://manpages-fr-extra/openssl 12f4431u David Prévot
[VAC] 21/07/2010 -> 08/08/2010 Thomas Blein
[ITT] man://manpages-fr-extra/e2fsprogs/fr.po Romain DOUMENC
[ITT] man://manpages-fr-extra/procps/fr.po Julien Patriarca
[RFR] ikiwiki://po/underlays/directives/ikiwiki/directive/ Philippe Batailler
[ITT] man://po4a/fr.po 3f158u David Prévot
[dico] time fudge Romain DOUMENC
RE : [dico] time fudge Julien Patriarca
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml german/devel/website/using_cvs.wml fren ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/devel leader.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/releases index.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml german/vote/2010/Makefile german/vote/2 ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer errata.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/distrib archive.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/Bugs Reporting.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/releases/etch index.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/mirror index.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml bulgarian/mirror/index.wml danish/mirro ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml chinese/social_contract.wml croatian/so ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml catalan/social_contract.1.0.wml croatia ... Pierre Machard
[RFR] ikiwiki://po/underlays/basewiki/ Philippe Batailler
[MAJ] po-debconf://wireshark/fr.po 1f2u Christian PERRIER
request-tracker3.8 3.8.8-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package request-tracker3.8 Dominic Hargreaves
Traduction des pages de manuel Linux Denis Barbier
[RFR] webwml://News/weekly/2010/08/index.wml David Prévot
Pb firefox Nadine Lagadec
[MAJ] po-debconf://linux-2.6/fr.po 1f4u Christian PERRIER
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml english/News/weekly/2010/08/index.wml f ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml english/News/weekly/2010/08/index.wml i ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml/french/News/weekly/2010/08 index.wml Pierre Machard
Documentation incomplète et informations manquantes Stéphane Delapierre
Relecture : Press release de DebConf Christian PERRIER
Fix Howto:Secure Debian fr section 4.9 Ronan Trotin
[BTS#590880] po-debconf://debian-edu-install/fr.po Christian PERRIER
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml english/News/weekly/2010/04/index.wml f ... Pierre Machard
Erreurs dans la traduction de référence du Développeur Debian Julien Valroff
Debian WWW CVS commit by amp-guest: webwml french/News/weekly/2010/05/index.wml ro ... Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit-guest: webwml/french/News/weekly/2010/04 index.wml Pierre Machard
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