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Re: Bug#731402: SpatiaLite transition
Re: Bug#742688: Plugins cannot be updated/installed
Building docs Re: osgEarth 2.5
Re: code sprint
code sprint (was: compiling qgis: which qwt version?)
compiling qgis: which qwt version?
Crash with Globe and Value tool plugins
Debian GIS Blend git commit notices to pkg-grass-devel
gdal_merge renamed in Debian?
git repository
Installing and running qgis-mapserver
Installing qgis from experimental
Installing qgis-mapserver
Re: Introduction
libmatheval RC #708966 fixed -> h5utils migration
libspatialite3 deps
My submission for an LSM talk
Re: OpenStreetMap Software
Orfeo and Ossim
Re: osgEarth 2.5
osmpbf package
Ossim packages in DebianGIS
OTB preview?
Python-qgis (serious)
qgis (experimental) not being built
QGIS packages naming
Retitle "mkgmap: Please include tile splitter"
Role of library packages in Blends tasks [Was: gis branch, master, updated. 44bb6e5b478da64af8f9feb145dd349c1d7a4b34]
Re: SpatiaLite transition
TinyOWS and non-free OGC CITE tests
upstream "debian" directory
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