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Re: code sprint

On 03/21/2014 10:22 AM, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
> In order to better coordinate working within the now highly productive team :) 
> I was thinking to resurrect the wiki TODO list adding my own list and asking
> for a common management of them. In suborder, we could use the task system
> of alioth (or any other system possibly available) to do that. Ideas?

For packaging new projects this is probably a good idea. When we have
lots of new upstream releases its similarly a good idea to coordinate
that a bit.

I'm not familiar with the Alioth Tasks feature, but I've looked at the
Debian Jr use of it, and it looks like a good way to describe the
various activities on our TODO list and publicly track their progress.
We can use the structure of the ToDo list on the wiki and its tasks as a
start. I'm think the Alioth Tasks have an email interface like the BTS,
but it can at least send updates to one of mailinglist. I'm not sure if
debian-gis@ or pkg-grass-devel@ is more appropriate, I'm leaning towards
the latter.

Regarding the OSGeo sprint in Vienna, I can't attend because I can't
take a week off work. I could attend on Friday only, but it doesn't seem
worthwhile to travel to Austria for only one day. It's not such a sort
trip as Belgium.

Kind Regards.


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