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Re: libspatialite3 deps

QGIS and friends are currently built against SpatiaLite 3.x because that
version is still in unstable. In experimental we have SpatiaLite 4.1.1
which is waiting for a transition slot from the release team:

 #731402 - transition: spatialite

 #731403 - transition: librasterlite

When we get the go ahead from the Release Team QGIS and friends will be
BinNMU'ed to build with SpatiaLite 4.1.1.

I've been tracking the progress of the SpatiaLite transition on this list
in the thread with the "SpatiaLite transition" subject. The last update
was just a few weeks ago, sortly after the QGIS FTBFS on arm was fixed:


With QGIS 2.2 and osgEarth 2.5 in experimental we'll likely first upload
these to unstable and BinNMU QGIS 2.2.0-1 instead of 2.0.1-2 when the
SpatiaLite transition is approved. I assume that will take more time then
we'll need to finish QGIS 2.2 in experimental. If we get the go ahead for
the SpatiaLite transition before QGIS 2.2 hits unstable, we'll do the
transition with QGIS 2.0 before uploading 2.2 to unstable.

Kind Regards,


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