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Re: [Ceph-maintainers] Bug#791445: : Bug#791445: ceph: uses bundled "libjerasure" library again
Re: [Ceph-maintainers]: Bug#791445: ceph: uses bundled "libjerasure" library again
[Plasma5] Dolphin starts slow and freeze desktop
Akonadi with MariaDB 10
Re: Bluetooth sound and KNotify
Re: Bug#793340: mumble: Crash with a screen reader
compiler warnings seem to be crashing my package build
Difference in appearance between kde-style-oxygen and kde-style-oxygen-qt4
First KF5 / Plasma 5 experiences
Gravatar support in KMail 4.14 enabled by default
help, lost the tops of windows in KDE 4.X
Help, lost vdpau and opengl output after accidentally starting chromium as root
How not to break a testing
kde-full and kde-standard on Sid installable again
lost mail
Migrating kwallet from KDE SC 4.14 to Plasma 5.3.2
Missing window controls
Mounting usb stick using device notifier - not writable
New Kde 5 screen blocked
No more network manager icon since upgrade.
Re: Plasma 5 and KDE Frameworks are coming to unstable
plasma-desktop should enter testing today once the mirrors have caught up
Plasma/KF5 : Situation in testing
Please test akonadi-server 1.13.0-3
SDDM lost display monitor
Re: Sid kde-plasma-desktop upgrade
Smooth tasks
So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!
Systemback and Snapper+Btrfs (was: Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!)
Things possibly missing/broken from Plasma 5 on Sid?
Transition to KDE 5 in testing : some glitches...
Where are the KDE "Standard shortcuts" settings stored?
Where to set KDEDIRS or alternative?
Which packages for Plasma 5?
The last update was on 06:39 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 182 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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