Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!
On Sunday 12 July 2015 11:05:19 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> It didn´t take me long to restore it to a state I am happy with.
I'm not yet happy, but if it is the way forward, I have to bite the
bullet now, it seems. I do think Plasma 5 could have spend some more
time in experimental. But I can't really complain, I asked for
"unstable" and that's what I got.
Anyway, some features appear to have been lost in the upgrade. Here's
what I'm missing so far:
* ksysguard (panel) widgets. I thought these little graphs were really
useful. In my case, I had them for overall CPU utilization, network I/O,
and temperature.
* I've tried (multiple times) to make Ctrl-Esc open KSysGuard, by
assigning it as a Custom Shortcut for KMenuEdit. But when I press the
shortcut, all I get is "No service configured".
* Skype and others don't show up in the system tray any more.
Apparently, I need to install sni-qt which isn't packaged, yet. See
* Folder View for the desktop doesn't seem to work. Originally, I was
able to choose "Folder View" somewhere in Desktop Settings and indeed
the contents of ~/Desktop were shown on the desktop. After another
update, the setting disappeared and Layout is fixed at "Desktop".
* Plasma Search, the successor to KRunner, doesn't remember the history.
(Really? :-O)
* The Veromix plasmoid doesn't work anymore and there doesn't seem to be
a suitable replacement to control PulseAudio from a panel.
The Debian/KDE packagers are doing a time-consuming and largely
unappreciated job, I know that. And I don't think the packaging is at
fault for any of my more or less little complaints. Rather, it looks to
me like the upstream KDE developers are giving their user base a second
helping of the KDE 4 transition of a few years back. I'm not entirely
happy about that.
Michael Schuerig
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