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Re: First KF5 / Plasma 5 experiences

On 04/07/2015 12:03, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

With todays updates and running kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental manually I now
have four modules available in systemsettings. Application style, Choose
login design, SSL certificates and a broken display settings, no monitors yet
displayed. I don't know whether it is the update or the kbuildsycoca5 run
which made systemsettings non empty.

Still of course right now the Debian Sid Plasma Workspace is somewhat
between version 4 and 5 and some things are currently not working. So if you
want to avoid breaking for desktop temporarily it may be good to wait a bit
before next update. Testing may also be affected after some time.

Issues I found so far including temporary workarounds:

1) network manager applet not working, so no WLAN selectable.

Workaround: use nmtui / nmtui-connect

2) kscreen not working, neither applet nor automatic configuration.


martin@merkaba:~> cat bin/monitor-homeoffice.sh

xrandr --output DP2 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of LVDS1

(adjust according to your xrandr output and preferences)

I am not sure whether I missed to install some new metapackages. The ones I
have installed right now are

martin@merkaba:~> apt-show-versions | egrep "frameworkintegration|plasma-
framework" | grep -v i386
frameworkintegration:amd64/sid 5.11.0-1 uptodate
plasma-framework:amd64/sid 5.11.0-1 uptodate

in addition to KDE / Plasma 4 metapackages.

Maybe some plasma-workspace meta package is still missing? Or an upgraded
kde-workspace one? There is already an plasma-workspace-wallpapers package.

Thank you to Maxy and Lisandro and everyone else working on this. I have the
impression there are only a few people working on it, I see mostly Maxy
uploading packages like crazy. So I fully understand that it may take some
time to get everything in place.

As long as it doesn't break something critical without a workaround for me,
I will continue to install and test everything new as soon as I find it
hitting the archive. I am not yet reporting any bugs about the issues I find
yet with the bug tracker, unless you ask me for, cause I think the issues I
reported are due to the transition and thus temporary. Of course if you wish
to keep track of those issues I report them.

I kindly ask to keep this constructive. I bet we all know that this isn't
ready yet, so I see no need to complain about that again.



We experience all of the above, plus:

_the "Globe" (Marble) desktop background broken, so the desktop background is empty grey.

_The "smooth task", "frame" and several other plasma widgets are broken.

More subjectively, the "Breeze" icons theme is confusing, several items have the same icon (a blue slider for various preferences, Kate and Kwrite just to name a few), the Trash is a folder (instead of an actual trash bin of some sort), some well established icons are substituted for unintuitive ones (VLC, Gimp, Konsole, to a lesser extent Inkscape for those I noticed). Overall it feels like an underwhelming version of Android 5 icons.

Keeping in mind that this is unstable and early transition, so this is not a rant, but I will wait before using (as opposed to testing) this.

Cheers, and thanks to everyone working on this Debian KDE transition.

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