Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!
Any word on when the rest of it will land in Sid? I have been holding off
packaging work because I didn't really want to use experimental.
I hope it is soon, I wont have time for Debian stuff once school restarts.
On Thursday, July 09, 2015 16:50:51 David Baron wrote:
> Installing the kwin stuff stopped the immediate crashes.
> Could not see any text except some highlighted stuff and pieces of menus. Go
> to system settings, somehow, and set the compositor to xrender. This got
> everything painted again.
> Now of course, had to start over. Some pieces, widgets, are missing, even
> thought they were explicitly installed.
> Icon themes have missing pieces, and size-related flaws.
> But ... Plasma 5 is up and running and (mostly) quite nicely!
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