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Re: Plasma 5 and KDE Frameworks are coming to unstable

On Wednesday 01 July 2015 09:02:50 Eric Valette wrote:
> On the other hand, the pacakges that have been blocked for 3 month in
> the new queue, continue to stay in the new queue and render installation
> unpractcable (see bug on systemsettings, konsole, ...)

Eric: please refrain to do such comments. First of all we don't handle the NEW 
queue and is an issue for all Debian, so it's worthless for you to complain 

Also please avoid complaining at bugs not resolved for you. Again it is 
worthless and the only thing you achieve is draining our energies, thus 
lowering the chances to get them fixed. Better yet, instead of complaining try 
to point to patches or make new ones, and be prepared for people refusing them 
on technical grounds.

Regards, Lisandro.

“I don’t think security can solve problems.
We need to teach greater respect.”
  Oslo Mayor Stang when asked whether Oslo needs greater security
  after the attacks in Norway, 07/2011.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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