On 07/19/2015 09:08 PM, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
I use the Nvidia driver and I moved from KDM to SDDM and lost the
display monitor after login, I got a bright colored out of focus desktop
and then the display signal was gone. I installed KDE LightDM and all is
well. Any idea what could have happened to cause the display to be lost?
I've been studding this and got plasma 5 to kind of work, it seems the
nvidia driver will not work using plasma 5 with opengl or xrender, why I
have no idea, do you? Nvidia works with Sid and kde 4.
Plasma 5 works with the nouveau driver but only in xrender, crashes
using opengl. Also I have two monitors and I'm unable to save my monitor
settings, having to setup monitors on each boot. I'm willing to try
different ideas to fix these problems if there is a developer working on
this with some ideas for me to try?
missing widgets that I use are quick-launch and plasma-widget-yawp, also
while kdiskfree still works, kwikdisk no longer works.