Re: So I have a Plasma 5 desktop!
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 05:50:34PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Samstag, 18. Juli 2015, 14:27:47 schrieb Marc Haber:
> > Hi,
> […]
> > On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 12:13:02PM +0200, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > > Anyway, some features appear to have been lost in the upgrade. Here's
> > > what I'm missing so far:
> > >
> > > * Skype and others don't show up in the system tray any more.
> > > Apparently, I need to install sni-qt which isn't packaged, yet. See
> > >
> >
> > That's a pretty big transition, especially for the background that
> > sni-qt is dead upstream and won't come up in Debian any time soon.
> Well, its how upstream decided about it.
Yes. That's a parade example of upstream not caring.
> > > * Plasma Search, the successor to KRunner, doesn't remember the history.
> > > (Really? :-O)
> > >
> > > * The Veromix plasmoid doesn't work anymore and there doesn't seem to be
> > > a suitable replacement to control PulseAudio from a panel.
> >
> > But, do you have sound? I seem to have lost sound completely. In
> > System Settings, all I can see is my hardware devices in "Audio
> > Hardware Setup". Both the "Device Preferences" and "Backend" tabs
> > don't offer anything to be selected. Pulseaudio is installed, and both
> > mpg321 and paplay on the command line work.
> Yes. But without Pulseaudio. Cause it still creates issues for me (last
> issue stuttering sound in PlaneShift all reported but yet unfixed I think).
I realized that phonon needs ported libs as well, after instaling the
phonon5in4foo libraries sound is fine.
> > Other than that, I am having a déjà vu regarding important functions
> > missing from the current release, although not so bad as with KDE 4.
> >
> > Most prominent absences are
> >
> > - Screensavers (with the additional fun of the canonical solution
> > being "use xscreensaver" if you want something shiny instead of a
> > blank screen) and
> Blanks screen just fine here. Make sure powerdevil package is installed.
Yes. I want my clock back.
> > Otherwise, I hate to say that I do not (yet?) see any substantial
> > improvement over KDE 4 other than "it's qt5 now" (which is probably
> > important).
> It feels snappier for me. But sure, that is no hard data.
I don't care about snappy if so many features are missing.
> Some long standing annoying bugs got fixed.
None of the ones that annoy me every day for years.
> > - It is still not possible to sensibly use a vertical panel, which is
> > quite important on small displays such as my 1366x768 panel which is
> > not high enough anyway and one doesn't want to waste Y coordinate
> > pixels with panels. A vertical panel is either unuseable because the
> > task manager fields are too small to have any valueable contents or,
> > on a wider panel, the icons get scaled up according to panel width so
> > that they fill up too much of the panel space. It is obviously still
> > not possible to place small icons side-by-side to each other in a wide
> > vertical panel.
> I use a vertical panel. Granted the K menu icon is very large.
The K menu icon and all single icon launchers.
> For placing icons side by side I think I used some launcher widget as you
> mentioned.
Do you still use one? Which one?
> It may be that not all widgets are packages yet for Plasma 5. Maybe
> there are still some missing compared to what upstream delivers.
I never said that this missing stuff was left out by the packagers. It
is just upstream not caring about the people who use their software.
Shipping a picture viewer with an incompatible kipi interface without
having kipi plugins compatible with that interface is, well, unfriendly.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421
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