Re: Which packages for Plasma 5?
Le 21/07/2015 17:51, Sayutin Dmitry a écrit :
> Kde5 is in process of migrating, as i see.
> Use this:
> 6:39, 20 июля 2015 г., Hillel Lubman <>:
> On Friday, 17 Jul 2015 21:01:20 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > And yes, some metapackages kde-full and kde-standard will have
> to go for
> >now. The update is not atomic. I bet they can be installed at a
> later time
> >or may even be replaced by something like plasma-full and
> plasma-standard.
> >
> >Remember you are using unstable. And the Debian Qt/KDE team is
> quite small.
> >Give it some time till completion. Or help.
> Hi.
> I'm a user of Debian testing (and KDE). How would this switch to
> Plasma 5 affect testing? Will it be not atomic either and it's
> recommended to pause updates for testing now to avoid semi-broken
> state, or in testing this should normally happen in more
> consistent fashion? And if the former, what would be an indicator
> that accumulated update is consistent enough?
> Thanks!
> Hillel Lubman.
> --
> Sayutin Dmitry <>
In testing I lost bluetooth with upgrade of bluedevil to the KDE 5 one...
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