First KF5 / Plasma 5 experiences
With todays updates and running kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental manually I now
have four modules available in systemsettings. Application style, Choose
login design, SSL certificates and a broken display settings, no monitors yet
displayed. I don't know whether it is the update or the kbuildsycoca5 run
which made systemsettings non empty.
Still of course right now the Debian Sid Plasma Workspace is somewhat
between version 4 and 5 and some things are currently not working. So if you
want to avoid breaking for desktop temporarily it may be good to wait a bit
before next update. Testing may also be affected after some time.
Issues I found so far including temporary workarounds:
1) network manager applet not working, so no WLAN selectable.
Workaround: use nmtui / nmtui-connect
2) kscreen not working, neither applet nor automatic configuration.
martin@merkaba:~> cat bin/
xrandr --output DP2 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of LVDS1
(adjust according to your xrandr output and preferences)
I am not sure whether I missed to install some new metapackages. The ones I
have installed right now are
martin@merkaba:~> apt-show-versions | egrep "frameworkintegration|plasma-
framework" | grep -v i386
frameworkintegration:amd64/sid 5.11.0-1 uptodate
plasma-framework:amd64/sid 5.11.0-1 uptodate
in addition to KDE / Plasma 4 metapackages.
Maybe some plasma-workspace meta package is still missing? Or an upgraded
kde-workspace one? There is already an plasma-workspace-wallpapers package.
Thank you to Maxy and Lisandro and everyone else working on this. I have the
impression there are only a few people working on it, I see mostly Maxy
uploading packages like crazy. So I fully understand that it may take some
time to get everything in place.
As long as it doesn't break something critical without a workaround for me,
I will continue to install and test everything new as soon as I find it
hitting the archive. I am not yet reporting any bugs about the issues I find
yet with the bug tracker, unless you ask me for, cause I think the issues I
reported are due to the transition and thus temporary. Of course if you wish
to keep track of those issues I report them.
I kindly ask to keep this constructive. I bet we all know that this isn't
ready yet, so I see no need to complain about that again.
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