debian-sparc Jul 2006 by subject

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[no subject] [etch] sparc32 install report [Fwd: testing(sparc) repositories] Audio on Ultra 60 AW: xorg hardware detection - please test buildd (auric) installs old packages Can't boot Etch. D-I Beta 3 - release planning Re: D-I Beta 3 - release update - please test D-I Beta 3 preparation - please update 2.6.16 kernel udebs Debian Installer drops 2.4 support for sparc Debian Linux for SPARC Debian R31r2 on Sun Ultra Debian Sparc and IDE Pascal Lazarus down in a rut and need a way out? we can help Ecartis command results: -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis -- Etch Net Install ISO Doesn't Boot on Ultra10 Fixed: Re: Sun SPACR Ultra30's & going beyond the base install v3.0 r5 I5T Installation failure on SunBlade 100 Installing Debain R3r2 onto SunSparcStation 5 Fwd: Job kernel panic with qlogicpti keyboard not found... mozilla not printing after upgrade woody to sargent Re: OpenSPARC.... hmmm. QGIS on sparc Rapine buffe Replies to me not mailing list Request (small) porting help for linuxinfo RFC: xorg configuration generation on sparc Running Vmware onto Debian R31r2 Running X with Sun Mono-Sync Monitor Senate Re: shifted xwindows keys SPARC Ultra Creator 30 release install hassles - v30 r5 sparc32 and sparc64-only packages Sparcstation 10 Installation Woes Re: Sun SPACR Ultra30's & going beyond the base install v3.0 r5 SunFire V100 CDROM issues (what else) Re: Texmaker fails to build on arm Tomcat4 and Kaffe on a SPARC/Debian Ultra5 udev and the initram image Ultra 10 Etch boot problem ultra2 ... stuff Unidentified subject! Weird kernel 2.6.17.[67] behaviour X on ultra sparc 30 and kernel problems on SunBlade 100 xorg hardware detection - please test xorg lockup on ultra 5 The last update was on 06:09 GMT Sat May 25. There are 141 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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