xorg hardware detection - please test
I've hacked together a script (attached) which parses prtconf output and
outputs the name of corresponding xorg driver. I've only included the
information which I could find on my own machines and prtconf examples.
Please test it on your box (you'll need prtconf from sparc-utils and awk).
If you will get no output (which means that the script failed to detect
any cards) or 'unknown' (found a card, but failed to map it to the
driver), please submit output of prtconf -p -v on your machine as well as
information about which xorg driver is appropriate for it.
I would also appreciate information about which keyboard settings are
appropriate for what keyboart types, so that we can implement it properly.
Best regards,
Jurij Smakov jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/ KeyID: C99E03CC
pc=$(which prtconf)
if [ -z "${pc}" ]; then
echo "prtconf binary missing (not in path)." >&2
exit 1
# Parse prtconf output
result=$(${pc} -p -v | awk '
display_node = 0;
model = "";
name = "";
final_model = "";
final_name = ""
/Node/ {
if(display_node == 1) {
final_model = model;
final_name = name;
display_node = 0;
model = "";
name = ""
/device_type:/ {
if(index($2, "display") != 0) {
display_node = 1
/model:/ { l=length($2); model = substr($2, 2, l-2) }
/name:/ { l=length($2); name = substr($2, 2, l-2) }
if(display_node == 1) {
final_model = model;
final_name = name
printf "model=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"", final_model, final_name
eval "${result}"
# Match the name and the model to the driver. If name
# is blank, just assume that no displays are found.
test -z "${name}" && exit 0
case "${name}" in
"cgsix" ) driver='suncg6' ;;
"SUNW,leo" ) driver='sunleo' ;;
"SUNW,tcx" ) driver='suntcx' ;;
"SUNW,m64B" ) driver='ati' ;;
"SUNW,ffb" ) driver='sunffb' ;;
* ) driver='unknown' ;;
if [ "${1}" = "--full" ]; then
echo "${name} ${model} ${driver}"
echo "${driver}"
exit 0
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