X on ultra sparc 30
have a Sun
Ultra 30 creator with a strange graphics card. I have been head over
heals trying to figure out what it is. I have taken it out, and found
nothing on it that tells me what chipset it is. I have successfully
installed debian-sparc on this machine, but No matter what I do, when
I try to start X it gives me the no screens found error. I tried this
on generic vesa, vga, and fbdev drivers. I really don't know where else
to go with this. I also tried installing a (known working) pci graphics
card in this machine, but for some reason, the computer will not
recognize it at all. I have no idea how to go into the cmos, (if there
is such a thing) on this sparc station. This is the first sparc ive
ever dealt with. I know linux/ubuntu quite well on x86 and ppc
machines. I have searched the net up and down, and can't find anything pertaining to my problem. Is this something that is supposed to work? or not? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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