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Re: xorg hardware detection - please test

On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Steve Pacenka wrote:

sunffb is the correct xorg driver for Elite 3D and Creator 3D.

afbinit is necessary for Elite 3D but not for Creator 3D.

Thanks for the information. I'm a bit confused about the names though. In your previous message you write

One of my U60's has an afb (creator) and ffb (elite).

Is it a typo? I believe other people have said that afb (SUNW,afb) is actually the Elite 3D card.

Empirical answers for two U60's:

   dual head, one of each card, kernel 2.6.16-1-sparc64-smp, xorg 6.9: okay

Cool. Could you send me the xorg.conf file for this configuration?

       (afbinit hard-locked with 2.6.17-1-sparc64-smp, needed a power cycle)

Could you please file a bug and try to debug it? At least roughly, which call causes it to hang? You are using the latest afbinit (1.0-1.1), right?

   single head, elite 3d, kernel 2.6.16-1-sparc64-smp, xorg 7.0: okay


Jurij Smakov                                        jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC

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